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Resultados 31-40 de 1319.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020Evaluation of the Quality Parameters of a 4G-LTE Communications Base Station, Installed in a Rural Area of PeruChamorro Atalaya, Omar Freddy
2020Fire alert system through text messages, with arduino mega technology and GSM SIM 900 moduleChamorro Atalaya, Omar Freddy
2020Characterization of the Performance of Higher Education Students in a Constructivist Learning Based on Two-Factor Analysis Using Inferential StatisticsChauca Saavedra, Mario Bernabe
2020Applying Business Process Modeling to improve IT Incident Management Processes in a Public Entity in PeruAguilar Alonso, Igor Jovino
2020Columna Falsa De Cargadores De Celulares Libre De Baldosas Piezoeléctrica Para La Biblioteca De La Universidad Nacional Tecnológica De Lima SurYarin Achachagua, Anwar
2020Accreditation Models and Digital Platforms Used for University Academic Programs in PeruAguilar Alonso, Igor Jovino
2021Supervision and control by SCADA of an automated fire systemChamorro Atalaya, Omar Freddy
2021Methodological Learning Strategies Based on Disruptive Innovation in Research for Students of a Public UniversityChauca Saavedra, Mario Bernabe
2021Evaluation of Teaching Performance in the Virtual Teaching-Learning Environment, from the Perspective of the Students of the Professional School of Mechanical EngineeringChamorro Atalaya, Omar Freddy
2021Automatic control of motors through Simocode pro, and its effect on the performance of the process of filling and dispensing of chemical inputsChamorro Atalaya, Omar Freddy